Miss Glow
This is a custom Full Stack E-commerce Online-Shop to require the needs of my aspiring customer. Including custom Admin Dashboard and easy checkout solutions. Techstack: Next.js, Prisma, Stripe, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Resend.
This is a custom Full Stack E-commerce Online-Shop to require the needs of my aspiring customer. Including custom Admin Dashboard and easy checkout solutions. Techstack: Next.js, Prisma, Stripe, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Resend.
Native iOS App written in Swift using the OpenWeatherMap API to display accurate weather. The App is available in the AppStore now for download. Check your current weather based on location tracking or search for current weather in other cities!
Modern Fullstack E-Commerce Marketplace for Digital Products using Next.js 14 with App Router, Next Auth, tRPC, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, ShadCN, Stripe for payments, MongoDB with a Prisma ORM and more. Still under construction (payments in test mode) but you can create an account and explore the App. Once it is finished, you will be able to buy and sell digital products. Have ideas to improve it? Do not hesitate and contact me.
React Native Expo managed ios/android App using the official API from the Frankfurter Stock Exchange to precisely calculate and convert currencies. It also converts lenghts, weights, areas and volume units in an easy manner. Native Wind for styling and RevenueCat for in app purchase implemented
E-Commerce showcase example built in TypeScript, React.js, Next.js 13 with the new app router, Framer-Motion for effects, Zustand for global state management, TailwindCSS, Prisma and payments fully integrated with Stripe.
Backend API written in Node, using the power of GraphQL powered by Yoga and connected to MongoDB. In this project I defined a custom schema and wrote resolver functions for all CRUD operations in order to leverage the power of GraphQL.
TypeScript Full Stack Threads App. Next.js 13, server and client side components, MongoDB with Mongoose and Schemas, Clerk for authentication, TailwindCSS for styling, ShadCN with Zod and React-Hook-Form for input validation etc.
Full Stack React App using best advanced practices like compound component pattern and a modern tech-stack: react-query, context api, styled components, react-error-boundary, date-fns, recharts, react-icons, react-hook-form, react-router, hot-toast and supabase for the backend authentication/ authorisation/ data storage. Login using the default credentials and explore my work.
The official Polo and Lyfestyle Magazine website. WordPress Website for Online Magazine.
React-Native Expo App available on the Apple AppStore. Capture, organize, and never forget! Boost your productivity with Don't Forget! Take Notes! The ultimate note-taking app. Get it now!
T3 Stack Application using technologies such as TypeScript NextJS, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Prisma, Clerk for Authentication and a Planetscale database to build a fully functional emoji only tweeting application.
T3 Stack Application using technologies such as TypeScript NextJS, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth for Authentication and a PlanetScale database to build a fully functional tweeting, liking, following application.
React-Native Mobile App - TypeScript, TailwindCSS, StepZen for GraphQL Queries and a Firebase Backend